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Creating & Scheduling a Queueable Job

Queueable Jobs are Concrete CMS Jobs that can queue their operations. Oftentimes, Jobs are used for operations that are potentially lengthy or memory-intensive. If portions of a job can be broken down into discreet bits of functionality, Queueable Jobs ar…

Custom Handlers and Advanced Functionality

How to set up custom logging handlers and advanced logging mode
Concrete CMS's logging system also contains support for handlers. Handlers are the ways that logged messages make their way to people interested in their contents. By default, Concrete adds a database handler to every Logger, and uses this handler for deb…


Concrete CMS has always had a strong permissions model, with authentication, users and groups, and deep access control on objects like pages, files and users. In version 5.6, this model became even more flexible, with the ability to assign combination gro…

Advanced: Creating a Custom Authentication Type

$this->set('message', 'message') Has anybody implemented a JWT authentication type with C5? It would require some custom code since it doesn't rely on the typical Cookie based login system Getting an authentication type object is pretty easy whether y…


Concrete CMS has always included a full-featured user management system, including: * Full user model, with strongly encrypted passwords * Full integration with our attribute system, to allow web applications to store custom data against user accounts…

Translation files

A description of the language files used by the concrete5 core, the installed packages; instructions about how they can be customized.
## Types of Translation Files A Concrete installation support multiple language files: - the core translations - the package translations - the site translations ## Precedence of Translations Files Strings specified in core translations can …

System Requirements

If you get installation errors like "Authentication type with handle concrete already exists" , pls look at your php version. Increase to above php 5.5.9 Great newbie tutorial ( v7.x) here ; and;…

Registering an Asset

I see that Elemental theme is using another asset type, "javascript-conditional": $this->requireAsset('javascript-conditional', 'html5-shiv'); Could anyone please add specification on that? Is it simply and always just Also, does "css-conditional…

9.1.2 Release Notes

## New Features * Added “Exclude Current Page” option to the Page List block (thanks ccmEnlil) * Added new “Upload Settings” Dashboard page to configure file upload settings, including chunking, chunk size, and parallel streams (thanks mlocati). ##…

Community Projects

A couple of community store addons that may be of interest to NZ or Australians: DPS/Payment Express payment gateway: NZ North/South island shipping method based on postcode:…