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System Requirements

If you get installation errors like "Authentication type with handle concrete already exists" , pls look at your php version. Increase to above php 5.5.9 Great newbie tutorial ( v7.x) here ; and;…


## Application Events Overview Use Concrete CMS's events when you wish to include extra functionality based on things Concrete already does, without hacking away at the core. ## Example A certain page type has some extra information associated wi…

User vs. UserInfo

When working with users in Concrete CMS, you'll very quickly realize that there are multiple objects involved. These are ### User Found in [Concrete\Core\User\User](/api/search?keywords=Concrete\Core\User\User) ### UserInfo Found in [Concrete\…

Reading Data from Existing Users

$jane = UserInfo::getByEmail(''); is listed as deprecated in UserInfo. $andrew = UserInfo::getByName('andrew'); is now found in UserInfoFactory not Userinfo. In 8.1.0: $repository = Core::make('Concrete\Core\User\UserInfoReposit…

Authentication Types

I would love some more information about the other authentication methods that are available. Not quite sure what to fill out or which pieces are handled automatically vs needing to add code to the site. You don't need any custom code to start using aut…

Routing Basics

Curly single quotes are in the code blocks. Be aware of this when copying and pasting the code. Defining a route can be done with just a couple lines of code. To add a route to your Concrete CMS application, first open `application/bootstrap/app.php`. Th…

Autoloading ( and earlier)

Concrete CMS automatically loads its classes based on namespace. For example: ```{.language-php.hljs} $page = \Concrete\Core\Page\Page::getByPath('/about-us'); ``` How do we know where to find \Concrete\Core\Page\Page? We use a modified autoload…

9.2.1 Release Notes

## New Features * Added a thumbnail property to the Feature and Feature Link block types (thanks katalysis) * File manager image editor now supports full screen mode (thanks mlocati) ## Behavioral Improvements * Reinstated the ability to attach …

Connecting to the Concrete CMS REST API

How to Connect to the Concrete CMS REST API
This fits perfectly into a requirement that I am documenting for a build that I will be starting in a couple of months, I was just about to start designing a RESTful API for C5. I have been looking for a REST client to use with this, can you make any rec…


Overview of the Concrete CMS REST API
Since its creation, Concrete CMS has been a CMS that makes it easy to put data into it, and display that data on a website, or work with it programmatically in some way. But the website that you edit in Concrete is tightly coupled to that data; it's not s…