How to change the marketplace and news settings in 5.7

This is a community-contributed tutorial. This tutorial is over a year old and may not apply to your version of Concrete CMS.
Nov 22, 2015

In your application/config folder, open the file concrete.php. If you don't have a file called concrete.php, you will need to create one. The file concrete.php will only contain PHP, so only an opening PHP tag is required. Paste the following code into concrete.php.

return array(
    'marketplace' => array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'intelligent_search' => true,
    'external' => array(
        'intelligent_search_help' => true,
        'news_overlay' => true,
        'news' => true,

-- this is the default configuration for the marketplace and news settings

If concrete.php exists and already has arrays of configuration settings, make sure there's a comma after the last first level subarray (not the returned array) and then paste the configuration settings after the comma.

Example: existing array

return array(
    'limits' => array(
        'style_customizer' => array(
            'size_min' => -100,
            'size_max' => 300,
    'seo' => array(
        'title_format' => '%1$s - %2$s',
        'title_segment_separator' => ' - ',

-- 'seo' is the last first level subarray with a comma at the last subarray

Example: adding to the existing array

return array(
    'limits' => array(
        'style_customizer' => array(
            'size_min' => -100,
            'size_max' => 300,
    'seo' => array(
        'title_format' => '%1$s - %2$s',
        'title_segment_separator' => ' - ',
    'marketplace' => array(
        'enabled' => true,
        'intelligent_search' => true,
    'external' => array(
        'intelligent_search_help' => true,
        'news_overlay' => true,
        'news' => true,

The values for marketplace and news settings are booleans (true or false).

marketplace - enabled (default is true): Enable marketplace integration this displays the:

  • Connect to Community section and button on the Add Functionality page
  • Connect to Community section and link on the Update Add-ons page
  • Connect to Community section and Connect Now and Learn More buttons on the Get More Themes page
  • Connect to Community section and Connect Now and Learn More buttons on the Get More Add-ons page

marketplace - intelligent_search (default is true): Enable intelligent search integration - this displays the Add-Ons section results when you search for a topic

external - intelligent_search_help (default is true): Provide help within the intelligent search - this displays the Help section results when you search for a topic

external - news_overlay (default is true): Display an overlay with up-to-date news from Concrete CMS - this displays the overlay popup (includes concrete related, add-on, and theme promotion)

external - news (default is true): Enable concrete news within your site - this displays the additional pages of news in the overlay

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