Option deprecated

The controller for the Auto-Nav block.

An object used by the Autonav Block to display navigation items in a tree.

The controller for the content block.

The controller for the conversation message block. This block is used to display conversation messages in a page.

The controller for the conversation block. This block is used to display conversations in a page.

Displays an gathering stand-alone in a page.

The controller for the core scrapbook display block. This block is automatically used when a block is copied into a page from a clipboard. It is a proxy block.

The controller for the stack display block. This is an internal proxy block that is inserted when a stack's contents are displayed in a page.

The controller for the block that displays featured add-ons in the dashboard news overlay.

The controller for the block that displays featured themes in the dashboard news overlay.

An object that represents an option in a survey.


Class Newsflow.

Class NewsflowItem.

Class NewsflowSlotItem.

OAuth Client Credentials A value object for communicating plain text keys and secrets

Interface ApplicationAwareInterface This interface declares awareness of the concrete5 application.

Trait ApplicationAwareTrait A trait used with ApplicationAwareInterface

The result of an edit operation.

\@package Helpers

Useful functions for generating elements on the Concrete interface.

Interface that all the sitemap providers must implement.

Interface that all the sitemap tree collections (eg multilingual sections) must implement.

Interface that all the assets must implement.

Interface that any attribute key must implement.

Interface that category objects (for instance, Express entities) must implement.

Abstract class to be used by attribute category classes.

The interface that any attribute category must implement.

Class to be implemented by attribute categories to define the attribute indexing table.

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

Formerly the only way to specify an icon – lets attributes provide one as icon.png in their folder.


Attribute controllers should implement this interface if they support importing/exporting to/from multiple plain text fields.

The interface that any object thay may have attributes must implement.


Factory class for creating and retrieving instances of the Attribute type entity.

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

Attribute controllers should implement this interface if they support importing/exporting to/from plain text.

Handles adding and removing keys from attribute sets.

Factory class for creating and retrieving instances of the Attribute type entity.

ValueList deprecated

Class CommunityServiceFactory A simple factory class for creating community authentication services


Work with the rendered view of a block

Simple cache driver that enables doctrine to use c5's caching library.

Class ZendCacheDriver Adapter class to hook Zend's cache into Concrete5's cache.

Base class for the three caching layers present in Concrete5:

  • ExpensiveCache
  • ObjectCache
  • RequestCache
CacheLocal deprecated

A cache store that has the ability to be flushed

Class ExpensiveCache This cache stores data that is expensive to build that will see a performance boost if stored on disk.

Class ExpensiveCache This cache stores data about where files are located in concrete5.

Class RequestCache Cache that only lives for the current request. This cache level is not configurable.

Manages opcaches.

Class RedisPageCache

Interface that all captcha controllers must implement.

Interface that captcha controllers .

Interface that configurable captcha controllers can implement to let users customize the captcha.

Controller deprecated

Captcha controller used when there's no active captcha library.

Service deprecated

Class Liaison.

Concrete5 base command class Large swaths of this class have been copied from illuminate/config 5.2 and 5.5 so you may refer to their documentation for some things.

Interface to flag an object as being aware of the symfony console components.

A trait that provides awareness of the console to objects

concrete5's output style.

Console command parser This was taken directly from illuminate/console

Base class for all the controllers.

ControllerResolver deprecated

Class ControllerResolver.

Class ConversationService Currently manages tracking review aggregates

A class that holds operations performed on both request and response cookies.

A League CSV formatter to tackle CSV Formula Injection.

Get an instance of a CSV Writer.

PDO implementation of the Connection interface.

Helper class to work with database time zones.

PDO MySql driver.

The PDO implementation of the Statement interface.

EntityManagerConfigFactory Responsible for bootstrapping the core concrete5 entity manager (Concrete\Core\Entity) and the application level entity manager. Sets the stage for the package entity manager once its time for them to come online.

Interface for EntityManagerConfig factories

Each Doctrine MappingDriver must be wrapped by this class, so all Drivers can be loaded correctly during the bootstrap of the application Each new Doctrine MappingDriver must also be wrapped in a new instance of this class

Specify a namespace for a Doctrine ORM driver, as well as what kind of mapping driver it should be.

The standard package entity manager provider. If the package enables legacy namespaces, the provider simply creates a namespace at Concrete\Package\PackageHandle\Src, and considers all classes found at package/package_handle/src potential entities. If the legacy namespace is not enabled, we look for entities at Concrete\Package\PackageHandle\Entity, which maps to packages/package_handle/src/Entity. Additionally, by default any additional autoloader registries are all considered possible entity locations and namespaces.

Implement this in your package controller if you'd like to provide a custom entity manager.

Anything implementing the Provider interface is able to delivery one or more entity manager drivers. Currently the Concrete\Core\Package\Package class (extended by all package controllers) is the only object that implements this interface.

A simple, standard package provider; provide a Concrete\Core\Package\Package controller, and a path (or array of paths) to PHP entity classes. This uses the annotation driver.

Use this provider if you wish to store your entity metadata in XML files.

Use this provider if you wish to store your entity metadata in YAML files.

Class Device A representation of a device.

Class Device A representation of a device.

Interface that all rich-text editors must implement.

LegacyKey deprecated

Entity representing a thumbnail type.

Entity representing the association between a thumbnail type and file sets.

Represents a version of a file.

Represent Geolocator library.

Represents a site locale.

Class StackUsageRecord

Class StackUsageRecord

Error deprecated

Class ErrorHandler.

Represents an error that can be safely shown to users.

A Writer class for Express Entry objects

The result of file import.

Service class for the File entity

Helper class for bitmap image formats.

Class AtomicThumbnailStream Outputs a stream of thumbnails in an atomic way. This ensures a thumbnail will only be built on a single thread at a time

Interface ThumbnailerInterface An interface for classes tasked with creating thumbnails. This interace requires imagine.

Handles regular and retina thumbnails. e.g. Each thumbnail type has two versions of itself the regular one and the 2x one.

The interface that file processors should implement.

A seervice class to manage data in the "incoming" folder.

File helper.


Wrapper for ZIP functions.


Represents a file set.

Implementations of this interface will provide their own path in the event that

StorageLocation deprecated

Class StorageLocation

Class StorageLocationFactory Get ahold of existing storage locations and create new ones

An inspector to process FLV (Flash Video) files.

An inspector to process image files.

Abstract class that all the file inspectors must extend.

Helper elements for validating uploaded and existing files in Concrete.

Class Element An object-oriented wrapper for core element functionality, with support for events, locators, controllers and elements.

A simple class for registering context to view bindings, in the event that certain contexts ought to deliver different views. (Used by Express Attribute Key View vs Form)

Helpful functions for working with forms. Includes HTML input tags and the like.

Helper functions to use with validating submitting forms.

Attribute deprecated

A class loader that uses the class alias list.

Provides autoloading for concrete5 Typically getInstance() should be used rather than instantiating a new object.

Environment deprecated

Deprecated. Use Concrete\Core\Filesystem\FileLocator instead.

Class EnvironmentDetector.

Useful functions for getting paths for concrete5 items.

A PSR-4 compatible class loader.

Queue deprecated

Abstract repetition class This class is used to define and match against various time windows.

Default HTTP Runner.

Extending this class allows groups of services to be registered at once.

Base class for gathering items.

Functions to help with using HTML. Does not include form elements - those have their own helper.


Heavily based on BinaryFileResponse represents an HTTP response delivering a file.

Middleware for applying state changes to the application

Middleware for adding and deleting cookies to an http response.

A middleware delegate for dispatching a request and returning a response.

Middleware for applying frame options

A middleware delegate for running the next middleware

The default stack used to keep track of middleware and process requests

Class ThumbnailMiddleware Middleware used to populate thumbnails at the end of each request.

An object that represents a particular request to the Concrete-powered website. The request object then determines what is being requested, based on the path, and presents itself to the rest of the dispatcher (which loads the page, etc...).

An object that represents a particular request to the Concrete-powered website. The request object then determines what is being requested, based on the path, and presents itself to the rest of the dispatcher (which loads the page, etc...).

Interface for the checks to be performed against the connection before installing concrete5 but after the configuration has been specified.

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5 but after the configuration has been specified.

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5.

The result of a precondition check.

Service class for installation preconditions.

Interface for the checks to be performed before installing concrete5 that need a web environment.

Avatar deprecated

Class Avatar.

BlockRecord deprecated

An object that allows a filtered list of files to be returned.

FilePermissions deprecated
ImageHelper deprecated

This is deprecated. It will be removed. Use Core::make('image/thumbnailer') to grab the current class instead.

Loader deprecated
Model deprecated

An object that allows a filtered list of pages to be returned.

TaskPermission deprecated

An object that allows a filtered list of users to be returned.

The core translator adapter factory is a wrapper factory that abstracts the translator creation based on the passed locale. By default, a translator instance will be created through the ZendTranslatorAdapterFactory.

Translator adapter that wraps the plain translator to provide the translator methods needed in concrete5.

Provides a factory method to create translator objects for the plain translator.

Translation loader that loads the concrete5 core translations for the Zend translation adapter.

Translation loader that loads the package translations for the Zend translation adapter.

Translation loader that loads the site interface translations for the Zend translation adapter.

Translator adapter that wraps the Zend translator to provide the translator methods needed in concrete5.

Provides a factory method to create translator objects for the Zend translator.

Abstract translation loader provides general methods needed in most translation loader implementations.

Translation loaders provide a standardized way to load new translations into the translator adapters.

Basic implementation of the TranslationLoaderRepositoryInterface.

Translation loader repositories provide a way to store multiple translation loaders.

Translator adapter factories provide factory method for creating a new translator adapter.

Translator adapters wrap the functionality of a specific translator class into a format that can be used within the concrete5 context.

Basic implementation of the TranslatorAdapterRepositoryInterface.

Translator adapter repository can store any number of translator adapters.

An interface for making complex log entries

Log entry for users being added to groups

Log entry for users being removed from groups

Log entry for group actions

Log entry for group actions for a user

Log entry for permission assignments

Log entry for user login attempts

Log entry for user actions

Logger deprecated

Interface LoggerAwareInterface

Trait LoggerAwareTrait A trait used with LoggerAwareInterface

A processor for adding the concrete5 user into the extra log info

A processor for packing $_SERVER info into the extra log info

Package dependency failure.

Package dependency failure: a package doesn't want another package.

Package dependency failure: a package can't be installed since it requires another package that's not installed.

Package dependency failure: an installed package can't be uninstalled since it's required by another package.

Package dependency failure: a package requires specific versions of another package.


This class is responsible for unpacking themes that have been zipped and uploaded to the system.

Service class for the package entities and controllers.

Interface AttachModeCompatibleRoutineInterface.

A class to copy pages and page versions.

A class representing the options for the page/collection/version Cloner.

An object that holds a list of collection versions.

An object that holds a list of versions for a particular collection.

The page object in Concrete encapsulates all the functionality used by a typical page and their contents including blocks, page metadata, page permissions.

An object that allows a filtered list of pages to be returned.

SinglePage extends the page class for those instances of pages that have no type, and are special "single pages" within the system.

Class to be used to generate the list of the pages that should be included in a sitemap.xml file.

Class to be used to generate the elements to be included in a sitemap.xml file.

Class Pile.

Class Stack.

When activating a theme, any file within the theme is loaded into the system as a Page Theme File. At that point the file can then be used to create a new page type.

A page's theme is a pointer to a directory containing templates, CSS files and optionally PHP includes, images and JavaScript files.

Class RouteCollection. Holds specific special route/theme combinations. These are functions that used to live in the Router class but it makes no sense for them to take up space there.

AddFileFileSetKey deprecated
FileSetKey deprecated

We need this class in place because upgrades from older versions die early before upgrade can be complete without it.

Class CollectionVersionResponse.

FileSetResponse deprecated

Pretty much all the Index anyone ever needs.

Default Search Index Manager This manager allows indexing a type against all applicable registered indexes.

Interface IndexInterface

Processes a thousand requests and builds pagination out of them.

Interface describing a configurable rule for the web server.

Represents an option for a configurable rule.

A single rule for the web server.

Interface describing a single rule for the web server.

Session deprecated

Class Session.

Class SessionFactory Base concrete5 session factory.

Interface FactoryInterface An object that can create symfony sessions.

Class SessionValidator Base concrete5 session validator, validates the IP and the agent across requests.


Redis based session storage handler based on the Redis class provided by the PHP redis extension.

A repository stand-in that allows for accessing a site's config

Class PolyTracker A tracker that employes \Illuminate\Support\Manager to keep track of a list of Trackers.

Interface TrackableInterface Implement this interface to declare compatibility with the statistic tracker.


Adapted and included from Laravel's Support Facade class.


Helper class to generate PHPDoc.

Exception thrown when a mutex key is not valid.

Represent a class that can offer a mutually-exclusive system that allows, for instance, to be sure to run some code just once even in concurrent situations.

Trait that contains stuff that can be useful for Mutexes.

Interface that migrations that take long time to be executed should implement.

Exception thrown when the migration.

Conversations Ratings Page Review Migration.

Class Version20170316000000.

Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!

Install OIDC scope

Update all oauth2 clients to have a consent type of CONSENT_SIMPLE

Update scope descriptions and connect access tokens to refresh tokens

Update scope descriptions and install missing scopes on upgrades.

Interface that migrations that can be safely re-executed should implement.

c5 specific path component for league/url.

RouteUrlResolver deprecated

Class RouteUrlResolver.

Helper class to work with SEO canonical URLs.

CsvWriter deprecated

An interface implemented by all "User" exceptions

A service for tracking and acting upon login attempts This service is NOT in charge of logging in users, it is meant to react to attempts

This method is less of a "service" and more of a controller It deals with deactivated user events

Class to handle the URL to redirect users to upon login.

UserBannedIp deprecated

A helper that allows the creation of unique strings, for use when creating hashes, identifiers.


Functions useful for validating strings.


Abstract class for managing translatable requirements and errors.

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values using closures.

Validate the length of a string.

Validate the length of a string.

Validate the length of a string.

Validate the length of a string.

Validate the length of a string.

A modifier to the standard validator interface that enables translatable requirements and errors.

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values, with the possibility to specify the subject for whom a value is valid.

A trait that provides an implementation of ValidatorInterface::isValid

A generic validator cabable of describing itself and validating mixed values.

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

A generic validator manager interface that enables validating against many validators at once.

Abstract view class

Includes a file with all of the functionality of views and controller. Simply takes a path to a file.

This is the final workflow that fires any time a workflow request is triggered. It HAS to be final because it takes care of approving the workflow request object. If a previous workflow actually exists and fires, this workflow is skipped because the previous workflow cancels it.

Base class for workflow progresses.

Use this class to denote when a workflow can be approved immediately by the user requesting it, so it is effectively skipped Class SkippedResponse

\@package Workflow

Usage of this class for CLI has been deprecated: use the c5:sitemap:generate CLI command instead, or the classes in the Concrete\Core\Page\Sitemap namespace.